Definition - What does diabetes mellitus mean?
Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as diabetes, is a condition characterized by a high blood glucose level, also referred to as high blood sugar. Once sugars are ingested, the body produces insulin to process those sugars. Diabetes Mellitus develops when the body either cannot produce sufficient insulin or the body cannot properly utilize insulin.
SureHire explains diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus negatively affects the body’s ability to break down and process sugar into energy. In a healthy body, the insulin hormone serves to transfer sugars in the blood stream to the body’s cells to be converted into useful energy. When a person suffers from diabetes mellitus, this process is disrupted. The body’s insulin may not transfer sugars properly or there may be a lack of sufficient insulin being produced. The resulting build-up of sugars in the blood may cause damage to blood vessels, and eventually damage to the organs those vessels serve. Diabetes mellitus is often a lifetime condition, but can be treated using medications and diet control to minimize symptoms. Diabetes is usually classified as Type 1 or Type 2. Type 1 refers to the body not creating enough insulin and Type 2 refers to the body not processing insulin properly.