Definition - What does mental health mean?
Mental health refers to the cognitive, emotional, and psychological wellness that affects a person's personal behavior, mood states, and stress management abilities on a regular basis. This can have significant bearing on interpersonal relationships between family members, friends, and even coworkers. Mental health can be affected by a variety of factors including genetics, traumatic life experience(s), and physical injuries. Patterns of anomalous behavior and personality can include low morale, appetite loss, binge eating, irritability, alcohol and/or chemical dependency, disruptive sleep habits, difficulties with executive function, sensory processing issues, discerning reality from fantasy, thoughts of self-inflicting harm and/or harm to others, and diminished productivity both at home and work.
SureHire explains mental health
When people think of mental health, inevitably, certain social taboos are raised to the forefront in terms of both self-perception and objective relations throughout the community. For many people suffering from mental health conditions, it can be a sensitive topic where the perceptions of others can often be as large of a challenge as the mental health issue itself.
Mental health covers a wide variety of conditions and situations, just as physical health can cover anything from a scraped knee to a life threatening illness. Providing care for mental health issues to employers is as important as providing traditional physical health insurance. Caring for the mental health of employees sees increases in moral and productivity among the workforce as well as increases safety because workers are not incentivized to hide any mental illness that might affect safety in the workplace.