overload principle

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Definition - What does overload principle mean?

The overload principle refers to a physical training practice in which the body is intentionally pressed to work beyond its current limits. The purpose of overloading the body in this way is to improve the body's efficiency at performing the particular physical act.

The effects of the overload principle are achieved through steadily increasing the work load for the desired exercise or task. Additionally, training duration may be increased as a means of improving endurance.

SureHire explains overload principle

When applying the overload principal to athletic or physical training on the job, the goal is usually to improve performance of a specific task or exercise. For instance, an employee who needs to lift a minimum amount to transfer to a different position might gradually increase his or her lifting capacity in order to reach this goal. As with other intensive training regimens, overloading must be carefully managed in order to avoid burnout, muscle fatigue, muscle damage, or other musculoskeletal damage.

When applying the overload principle during training regular rest and recovery periods must be observed. Failure to allow the body adequate time to recovery and adjust to higher intensities of labor can cause overreaching or overtraining syndrome to occur.

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