well certification

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Definition - What does well certification mean?

WELL certification is an eco-friendly initiative that focuses on human health and welfare enterprises by reinforcing design layout and architectural infrastructure tailored around current green building standards inside the workplace. The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) serves as the governing body for outlining seven concepts that contribute to a healthy and safe workspace environment: air, water, light, nourishment, fitness, comfort, and mind, following requirements pending certification status.

SureHire explains well certification

Multiple environmental factors play into the equation that can affect employee health and wellness including air quality, diffuse lighting, ambient noise, sound ergonomics, dietary selections, and educational resources, provided employee morale is a corporate asset. A WELL assessor will visit a facility to conduct routine inspections and performance tests as an index against a baseline format to determine if employers meet the criteria, barring any deficiencies in preventing WELL verification approval.

The designation of three certification levels (i.e., silver, gold, platinum) reflects the WELL Building Standard highlighting the seven categories with stipulated preconditions and optimization features as qualifying factors to receive the official WELL label distinction. The transition toward an IWBI-based apparatus focuses on integrating biophilic (natural) elements into a health and wellness atmosphere, helping businesses to retain the WELL standard reputation via recertification every three years. Employers carry the responsibility of conforming to WELL standard matrices by charting, tracking, and submitting annual performance data analytics to sustain uniform goals while concurrently expediting the influence of certified buildings under the WELL banner. Alongside the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and Living Building Challenge movements, many employers are leaning toward energy-efficient developments catering to human health and wellness paradigms to reduce stressful conditions among the workforce.

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